Privacy Policy

(Last Updated April 2024)

We care about your data rights, and we want to help you understand how and why we collect your data. The reason why we collect certain data is to give you the best webcomic experience possible by improving our website.

How We Collect Data

This website uses tools like Google Analytics and Google Adsense to collect usage data.

Information We Collect

We collect data such as your device’s Internet Protocol address (IP address), the pages of our website that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers, your browser type and language, and other diagnostic data.

When you access our website by or through a mobile device, we may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers, and other diagnostic data.

We may also collect information that your browser sends whenever you visit our website or when you access the website by or through a mobile device.

You can read about how Google uses your data at the following link:


This website uses cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on this website and store certain information. View our cookie policy in the following link:

Business Transactions

In the unlikely event that this website is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, your personal data (such as listed above) may be transferred. We will notify you before your personal data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.

Children Under the Age of 13

This website does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. By using this website, you agree that you are above the age of 13 or have the consent of a parent or guardian to access the website and its content.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may change our Privacy Policy to include any new services that our website uses or to meet any new law requirements. We reserve the right to make those changes at any time. We will notify you about any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy with a prominent “Last Updated” message at the top of this page.

Please review this page periodically to check for any changes to our Privacy Policy. Changes to our Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.


If you any questions about our Privacy Policy, you can ask us by sending a message to